Amazing grain, how sweet thou art. We cannot get enough of this fluffy, flexible, crowning gem of the cousous family. I think we crave it every week here at Numnumnum, and why deprive ourselves? Why, why, why?! Here we created a somewhat hearty repast with savory herbs and root veggies. We started with shallot, carrot, and parsnip chopped into small cubes and cooked in a bit of olive oil. Then we added dried thyme, oregano, salt and pepper, and the chopped yellow bell pepper, and continued cooking until everything was soft. Next came about about 1 and 1/2 cups of the cous-cous that we tossed with the veggie mixture and cooked over low heat for 1 minute. We then added enough chicken stock to cover the entire mixture and turned the heat down to a very low simmer. We stirred every few minutes, as the stock gets absorbed, then turned heat off and covered for about 10 minutes. After it had time to rest, we added 1 tablespoon of butter, fluffed with a fork and adjusted seasonings.
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