It's no secret that the past few months of traveling, business, and general kookiness has added on a few nummy pounds. So since I got back on my home schedule, I've been on Operation Deflation. The OD is generally a calorie management thing, where I try to manage not to inhale everything that comes within orbit of my face. (You can still watch Paula and Ina on the Food Network, you just can't put that pound of butter on your morning fried-egg-chocolate-chip-sandwich-scone anymore. At least for awhile.)
So, I've turned my attention to the elegant world of frozen veggie cutlets, which I've discovered to be the perfect hearty addition to a fresh salad. This one is drizzled with a homeade dressing of dijon, fig infused balsamic, tabasco, and a swiggle of olive oil- just enough to taste, but not enough to thwart the efforts of those of us trying to keep out BMI's in the green zone.
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